It’s been long…

Hi all, 

It has been a while since i updated this blog, wrote something. Reason is, Many things changed. Change after all is inevitable: “everything change and nothing stays still.”

And therefore, things have changed…

A new start, a new country, a new home, another new home and a new culture to discover. Almost 2 years ago, my life took a path that i didn’t expect. I ended up single again and started a new life in Helsinki back then. It felt hard, being alone in Finland was the hardest times of my life.

Helsinki has been very dear to me as i have learned to call it home. I never fully found myself a Finn during the years there, i am maybe too emotional or too social to be a Finn but i learned to appreciate many things in Finland. I am proud to have lived there and learned the values Finland offers. i Feel i owe a great debt to Finland and to the Finns i share and shared my life with. 

Today, i write this from London, the center of the world my new home where i dwell, i moved to the UK 3 month ago in a time where people said are you crazy? Brexit is coming. Well, you should be crazy to believe Brexit will make any difference. Life goes on.

Today i work, live, eat drink in this new city and i must say it just keeps amazing me. It is alive, vibrant, cosmopolitan and can be harsh, can be demanding, can be consuming and can be a bubble, but this city it offers you the world on a plate.

Living in the UK offers an insight on a history so old, on a world of kings and queens and historical palaces and however you walk in London you tend to see the beauty in all the great achievement this country has made, from architecture, to design, to fashion, to lifestyle, to technology. Everything starts it feels here.

Working here, has been a very interesting adventure so far, there is a little Scandinavian in me that feels that the world should be perfect and always on time, and a little Lebanese that thinks there is a beauty in chaos, and both these schizophrenic personalities blend to be simply a new me in the UK. 

Now to the good news that come from this, i have relaunched this blog to focus on travel, lifestyle, a bit of me , and London and life adventures, places and food. 

Life has been beautiful lately and has taken me on a new path. I intend to enjoy it more. Welcome to the blog!






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